Monday, October 17, 2011

Cyanogen WP's

Here are some new Cyanogen Mod WP's you can use on your Android handset. I went ahead and did a color adjustment on some of the latest WP's that are rumor to be coming out with the Nexus Prime. Hope you like my latest work I take no credit for the Cyanogen Mod logo I just am a huge fan of their work. Enjoy :D

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

CyanogenMod Sense Slider

Here is a new slider you can add to your collection. This time around I went ahead and made a Sense version slider of the famous CyanogenMod Icon. I am a huge fan of their work and I have used their ROM's on every single Android phone I have owned. Hope you like my latest work head over to XDA and make sure to click on the Thanks button to show support of my work, Thanks :D

Monday, July 18, 2011

G2 Sense Slider Theme

Here is my latest work I know I haven't done any new sliders as of  late but this week I should get back to it. Enjoy and make sure to leave some feed back, thanks :D

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hello Kitty WP

Here are two new Hello Kitty Wallpapers that I have made for all of the Kitty lovers. Hope you enjoy the AK47 one which I think is hilarious lol. The other one is more basic but still with a unique background, Enjoy :D

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mr_XXIV WP & Beer Can Theme

Meet Mr_XXIV the Android here is a lil visual of him drinking a cold Blue Moon and playing on his G2.
The theme is based on Beer Cans as you can see I have integrated the icons of the apps that are applied in the section where the can is put in. Hope you like my latest work, Enjoy :D

Monday, July 11, 2011

Captain America Wallpaper

Hope you like my Android version of Captain America. I made two similar wallpapers with different logos in the background. Hope you like my work, Enjoy :D

Wu Tang Clan WP & Theme

Here is a Wu Tang Clan WP & Theme for WidgetLocker Lockescreen. I previously made one of  Kanye West so why not make one of my favorite rap groups of all time. Anyways I hope you like my latest work, Enjoy :D

Friday, July 8, 2011

Captain America WP & Theme

Here is my latest creation this is based on the upcoming movie of Captain America. This is what I am currently using on my phone as my main wallpaper. Hope you appreciate my hard work below is the actual wallpaper and a few screenshots, enjoy :D

Thursday, July 7, 2011

PokeMon WP & Theme

Today I got a special request from a PokeMon fanatic and well this is what I came up with. The wallpaper is a basic PokeMon logo with my trademark Yellow Flames background. And for the WidgetLocker lockscreen I did a Sense style slider that features the PokeMon logo. Below are some screenshots of how it will look on your phone, Enjoy :D

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mega Man WP & Theme

Here is my latest creation this time around I cooked something up based on Mega Man. Which is one of my favorite video games of all time. I hope you like my latest creation if you do feel free to leave some feed back, Enjoy :D

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Hello Kitty WP

Here are some Hello Kitty WP's for all the hardcore fans of this Pussy Cat lol.... Enjoy :D

Kanye West Theme & WP

Here is my latest creation based on one of my favorite rappers Kanye West. Hope you like this mini masterpiece I have created. Below is the link of where you can obtain your copy of this slider for your phone and the Wallpaper is included right below, Enjoy !!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Crysis Themes!!!

Here are my latest creations and these sliders are based on the game Crysis. I hope you like what you see and if you do feel free to give me some feed back on my work. Enjoy :D

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Zelda WP & Theme

Here is my latest work this time around I did something for the famous video game The legend of Zelda. Hope you guys like my latest addition to my collection :D

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Super Girl Theme

Here is my latest theme requested by freak69ize over at XDA, Enjoy :D

Optimus Prime & Bumblebee WP

Here are my latest wallpapers inspired by the movie Transformers, Enjoy :D

Bumblebee Theme

Here is the latest addition to the collection I hope you are enjoying my work :)
This is the last Transformers theme ill be making since only bumblebee and optimus prime are my favorite ones. I'm willing to accept request depending on what character it is. Well for now enjoy this theme and feel free to leave some feed back on my work, thanks. :D


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Optimus Prime Themes

Here is some of my latest work this time around I decided to make something based on the upcoming movie Transformers. And what better than to make Optimus Prime my main focus. On here you will get to see a screenshot of how each slider will look on your phone. If you are interested and want to use this theme on your phone feel free to click on the link at the bottom of the post. :D